WARNING: Reading the Chode Picks may result in increased intelligence, superhuman strength and agility, tiger blood, fire-breathing fists, severe intoxication, gratuitous violence, female sexual arousal, and winning. Read at your own risk.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Chode Picks – Week 8 of glorious fall season in which I will continue to make up ridiculous article titles for no reason

Same shit, different week.  Friday night in Madison and I’m gearing up for another weekend of beer, grilled food, mediocre college football and an upcoming Packer thrashing of an inferior NFC South team. Last weekend was a good one as Aaron, Jordy, Randall and the rest of the flying death machine known as the Green Bay offense murdered a bunch of teal-clad kittens in Lambeau field.  Also, I won my fantasy matchup, meaning Garrison has to go all of Saturday using Lego hands, avenging the bet I lost the previous week in our other fantasy league (I had to start every conversation with “I’m Batman”. Makes ordering drinks at a bar slightly awkward).  Despite a good start to the week though, I ran into some trouble on Tuesday afternoon.  Allow me to explain.  Also, this is a good time to point out that if for some reason the idea of me pooping makes you uncomfortable, you should skip the next paragraph.  If not, well then read on, you sick son of a bitch.

Beer shits.  We’ve all had them.  And as bad as beer shits can be, everyone knows that the dreaded “wings and beer” shits are approximately twice as debilitating.  So anyways, there I was on Tuesday after clinic, working through the wreckage of my colon in my downstairs bathroom that I thankfully don’t have to share.  As I finished up however, I noticed with some alarm that my toilet paper roll was empty.  “No matter” I thought to myself, “I’ll just shuffle pantsless over to the cabinet under the sink and grab another roll.” Unfortunately, as I opened the cabinet I was greeted with an unpleasant surprise: one of my roommates had borrowed my last roll.  Uh oh.  Now at this point, I had two unpleasant options.

A) Carefully pull up my pants and waddle to the upstairs bathroom, diligently trying not to soil my underpants

B) Use the roll of paper towels next to the sink instead

You can probably see where this is going.  I picked option B.  And other than a slight amount of chafing, it was working pretty well at first, that is until I stood up, crossed my fingers and flushed

“Glug… glug… clunk… hissssssss” went the toilet.

“Oh, shit” went Chode.

Thirty minutes later, after approximately a thousand unsuccessful plunging attempts and with a runny brown mixture covering most of the bathroom floor, I turned the water supply to the toilet off and fled, returning only briefly to chuck a bunch of newspapers on the vile mess that I had created.  The next day, I went out and bought a toilet snake (closet auger for those of you in the plumbing business).  Unfortunately, the snake was a real asshole about things and steadfastly refused to clear the offending mixture of paper towel and digested chicken meat.  This left me with one recourse other than calling a plumber: lift the fucking toilet off the ground and disimpact the clogging piece of shit with a pliers.  And you know what?  It may have taken me most of a week but I finally got that turd out of there.  I won.  So let that be my lesson to you all this week: don’t ever wipe your ass with paper towels.

Also, a few of you asked to see the resume I sent to the UW athletic department when I applied for the head coaching job, so here it is:

Alex Quilling
1206 Bowen Ct
Madison WI, 53715
(715) 308-4260
aquilling@wisc.edu _____________________________________________________________________________________________


M.D. University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (in progress)
B.S. in Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison
 Aug 2012 – May 2016

 Aug 2008 – May 2012

Head Coaching Experience
Dunn County Parks and Recreation Youth Flag Football
3 seasons, 18-0 record, 3 league championships
Average margin of victory: 19.3 points

EA Sports: NCAA Football 2006
3 consecutive National Championships, 1 runner-up
50-2 overall record
23 1st round NFL Draft picks, two Heisman trophy winners


   Fall 2006 – 2008

Fall 2007 – Winter 2008

They never called.  Must have gotten lost in a file somewhere.  What a shame.  Anyways, enough about me.  ON TO THE PICKS!


Even with a less talented coach, I feel pretty confident about this one.  Yes, Maryland has looked good in winning two of three Big Ten games so far, but they have yet to face an atmosphere like Camp Randall.  And I’m assuming Gary Andersen came up with some sweet trick plays using both of our quarterbacks over the bye week.  Hopefully they won’t involve any throwing on McEvoy’s part.  But since the Terrapins’ run defense is weaker than the toilet paper I should have used on Tuesday, expect Gordon and Clement to visit the end zone frequently on our way to win #5. 



It’s really a shame that Peyton Manning is having such a monster year, because otherwise Aaron Rodgers would be on his way to a second MVP trophy.  Also, New Orleans’ pass defense is the worst in the league, so we might as well just give Eddie Lacy the day off.  And amazingly, the Saints are actually favored by a point in this game.  So for those of you who didn’t take my advice and bet on the Broncos over the Jets two weeks ago, here’s another chance for some easy money.  By the way, I apologize for getting the Picks out late this week but I figured since this is a Sunday night game I had a little more time to dick around.

Well, looks like I was wrong about the Wisconsin-Maryland game.  Holy shit, it’s incredible how good we look with some competent quarterback play.  And with two virtual byes against Rutgers and Purdue the next two weeks, it looks like we’re building up to a showdown between 7-2 Wisconsin and 8-1 Nebraska for the Big Ten West title in Camp Randall on November 15th.  Hooray. 

Chode Points update: most of your Maryland-related insults sucked balls last week, but I’ll give the few of you that came up with them some pity points anyways. Zach gets the ten points for the best one: Why wasn’t baby Jesus born in Maryland?  No wise men, no virgins.  Point totals are as follows:

Ben Steyer, Dustin Baldwin, Zach Niemeyer and Ryan Bade: 15 points
Korrie Mundin: 10 points
Ben King: 6 points
Dan Jensen: 5 points

For this week’s challenge: ten points to the first person to identify the man in the picture posted below.  Five points for anyone who posts an interesting fact about him afterwards.  I expect some creativity this week, damn it.

Thanks for reading.  Go Pack Go.

- Chode Out.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Chode Picks – Week 7 of glorious football campaign in which the Wisconsin Badgers will win the Taxslayer.com/Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl

Some plays you remember forever. Whether it’s because it sealed a championship, vaulted your team into the playoffs, or something simpler like winning a bet or just being so ridiculously spectacular, those are the plays where you’ll always know exactly where you were, what you were wearing and who was around you when they happened. They’re the moments that make you take a second, smile and think to yourself, “God, I love sports”.
Enter the mighty Aaron Rodgers, slayer of dreams and kicker of ass. Those poor Dolphins. They actually thought they had the win. But with two minutes left, no timeouts and Aaron getting the ball at our own 40-yard line down by four points, the game was already decided. The last two minutes were a thrilling formality, with Rodgers scrambling, drilling well-covered receivers and punching all of South Florida squarely in the dick. I haven’t seen a bunch of marine mammals abused that badly since Blackfish. Credit to Andrew “God’s Gift” Quarless for running a decent route and hanging on to the laser beam that struck him in the sternum for the winning score. And yes, Quarless actually has “God’s Gift” tattooed on his triceps. You would think he’d be able to make those plays more often. Regardless, I’m now fully confident that we’ll end up winning the division by one game and that Miami will miss the playoffs by the same margin. That’s how these things work.
Also, the Badgers held on to beat Illinois, so that’s cool too, I guess. When I got to the game in the 1st quarter, the score was 14-7, Illinois. When I left after jump around (don’t judge me, I don’t owe anything to this particular team), it was 38-14 Wisconsin. In case you suck at math, that means we went on a 31-0 run while I was in the stadium. Also, both of our losses occurred when I wasn’t in attendance. Clearly Barry Alvarez should fly me to every game. Might as well get me a field pass too, just to be safe. It’s the least he could do after passing me up for the head coaching job two years ago. Also, if you guys are interested I’ll post the resume I send to the athletic department in 2012. It was impressive, to say the least. We would have beaten Northwestern at least. Whatever. Their loss was Madison’s gain, because now I’m doing pap smears and diagnosing little kids with asthma instead! I’m not bitter, I swear. Also, in case you’re colorblind and haven’t noticed, October is breast cancer awareness month. So go find your favorite medical student and get a breast exam, ladies. Wow, that looks a lot creepier in print than it sounded in my head. WHATEVER! ON TO THE PICKS!!
Suck it, St. Louis. I’d rather miss the playoffs than lose in the NLCS. That’s a lie. But I still hope this hurts them dearly. For years, Cardinal fans have been pretending to be the Packer fans of baseball, and that makes me downright furious. And despite Kenne Koehler’s delusional opinion to the contrary, Budweiser still sucks. It’s made with rice. RICE. BEER MADE FROM RICE. THAT’S DISGUSTING. I would rather fellate a hot curling iron than drink a case of Bud. Go. Royals (jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash). I’m drunk.
Kansas City in four.
Probably not the greatest matchup for Melvin Gordon’s Heisman campaign, but then again neither is losing twice in six games. The good news is, it gives Stave an extra week to quietly meditate and read self-help books before we have to play a Maryland team that just knocked off Iowa and is absolutely capable of coming to Camp Randall and handing us our first home loss of the season next Saturday. Five points for every Maryland-related insult you can come up with in the comments this week. Ten for the best one as judged by the editorial committee of me. Speaking of points, time to hand some out for those of you who picked out the lies in last week’s edition:
Believe it or not, I don’t drive a Bugatti (Ryan Bade)
Lawrence Taylor won the MVP 28 years ago, not 30 (Bade and Dan Jensen)
I don’t have corporate sponsorship (Corey Munden)
I went to the BP with every intention of buying beer (Dustin Baldwin)
As for the Ebola numbers, I got them from CDC estimates so I don’t consider them lies. But since I’m assuming Zach Niemeyer had an equally reputable source, I’ll give him five points total for the effort.
So that leaves us with the following totals:
Ben Steyer and Dustin Baldwin: 15 points
Ryan Bade: 10 points
Dan Jensen, Corey Munden and Zach Niemeyer: 5 points
Ben King: One measly, pathetic point
WISCONSIN by default
Fascinating quarterback duel here, as we get to see alternating drives between Aaron Rodgers slicing up the Panthers’ shitty secondary and Cam Newton sprinting through our porous run defense. Also, Sam Shields is out so this game could be uncomfortably close. But hopefully Clay and Julius can put enough pressure on Scam to force a few ill-advised throws in the direction of Ha’Sean Clinton-Dix, who is having a fantastic rookie season. I think the Bears might end up regretting passing on him last June. Because for the next decade or so, It’s gonna be really hard for anyone in the league to pass on Dix. His ability to lay the wood in the secondary and penetrate holes in the backfield is unmatched. Dick jokes aside though, I think we run the winning streak to 4 tomorrow.
In case you haven’t watched ESPN all week, Peyton Manning is two scores short of tying Brett Favre’s record for career touchdown passes. I think he’ll pass the mark tomorrow, and that’s the only reason I’m watching this game. Actually, I’ll be kinda pissed if he doesn’t break it because next week because I might not catch the Broncos’ next game on Thursday night. Stupid exams. Regardless, I think Brett’s interception record at least is safe for the next decade, even with the lesser Manning and Tony Romo catching up at an alarming rate.
DENVER by 10
Alright, time to call it quits for this week. I’ll leave you with a moderately offensive joke.
What did the feminist get her family for Christmas?
A bigger litter box and a scratching post.
Also, check out this week’s video. Yes, that’s a man who dressed up a shovel with a mask and a coat actively taunting a hidden sniper. And no, they’re not Al-Qaeda. Some other, less important war over in the middle east. Brass balls.
- Chode Out.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Chode Picks – Sixth week of glorious 2014 NFL season in which the Green Bay Packers will win an unprecedented 14th NFL championship

Brought to you by Stevens Point Brewery, because I figure at this point I should just tell you up front what I’m drinking for inspiration instead of trying to find a clever way to work it in later on.  Truth is, I was strolling through the BP lounge yesterday while the attendant filled my Bugatti with gas outside, with no intention of buying an alcoholic beverage, when I happened to notice a lonely, discounted Summer Sampler pack of Point beer sitting on the shelves.  And at the reasonable price of plastic, I just couldn’t bear to let it sit unattended for another three months.  So I adopted twelve new friends, and I have to say, I wish I had given it a try sooner.  It’s like Leinenkugel’s, only much better tasting and not owned by a bunch of Belgian communists.
Anyways, It was a glorious week for the Chode, as both of my fantasy teams whipped their opponents into the corner of an elevator while the Green Bay Packers put on a masterful display against that semi-pro team from Minnesota and the Badgers… well, let’s just agree to pretend that Northwestern doesn’t exist for a week.  Thanks Obama. On to real football.


One Chode Point to anyone who attends this game.  You’re welcome, King.  Now I realize that the Dolphins have a considerable advantage playing at home after a bye week in the 85-degree weather of South Beach, but I think the Aaron Rodgers vs Ryan Tannehill contrast is more than enough to compensate.  Besides, everyone in Miami will be too busy watching Miami Heat preseason games in our quest to be the first team in NBA history to win five consecutive conference championships.  Also, we’re scrimmaging the Cavaliers in Brazil this weekend.  ESPN is having a huge shit about it.  Something about a marginal player that left the best team in the league to go play for the sewage dump known as Cleveland, Ohio.  I wish I could remember his name.  Anyways, expect Chris Bosh to kick off his MVP campaign by dropping 40 on those sorry sacks of poop. 


And I suppose the Packers will notch win 4 of 14 this week as well.  Yawn.



STAH-VE!!  STAH-VE!! STAH-VE!!  That was the cheer that erupted from Chasers Bar and Grille in Madison as the blonde bomber led us back from a 10-point halftime deficit against those snobs from Evanston.  Never mind the three interceptions he threw, it was a startling change of pace to see less than nine guys stacked in the box, allowing Gordon to run free through the secondary.  Coach Andersen wisely took my advice from last week’s edition, taking a few (accurate) shots down the field for the first time since last season.  Word on the street is that he’s planning on using a two-quarterback system from here on out, and I think someday in the near future we’ll look back on that loss as the turning point that launched us to the Big Ten title game (where of course, we’ll lose in spectacular fashion to Michigan State).  But regardless of who’s under center this week, it shouldn’t make much of a difference against Illinois as long as he sticks to the game plan of “turn around and hand off to #25”.  The Injuns let up 349 rushing yards against Purdue last week, for God’s sake.  Three-hundred and forty-nine.  Yikes.  If we find a way to lose this game, I’m selling my student tickets and drinking my sorrows away on Saturday afternoons instead.  Hey, speaking of college football…



Damn it, Todd Gurley.  I spent five weeks building you up for the Heisman, and then you go and get suspended for selling autographs like some amateur bitch.  It’s not like you could have waited until June to sign a multi-million dollar contract or anything.  Any day now, we’ll find out that Ameer Abdullah is a coke dealer, or keeps orphans locked in his basement, or is planning to assassinate the president while dealing coke to the orphans locked in his basement.  Woah, that one got away from me.  Sorry, NSA.  Better wrap this paragraph up quick.


Before I forget, it would be irresponsible of me not to warn you all about the brand-new gameday tradition at 43 Lathrop; we’re replacing the lemon toss.  For those of you too lame to make it to the Best Pregame Party on Earth, for the past year we’ve played a fun little game where if somebody randomly calls your name and tosses a lemon at you (underhand, of course) and you fail to catch it, you must finish your drink on the spot.  Starting Saturday though, it’s gonna be eggs.  Raw eggs.  Head on a swivel, gentlemen.  And no fast-pitch softball bullshit either.  That just ruins the spirit of the game. 

Five Chode Points for every lie you can pick out in today’s edition.  First come, first serve.  Negative five for every true statement that you erroneously call a lie.  As of right now, Ben Steyer is winning with fifteen points on the season.  Of course, the same rules apply as last year; whoever ends the season with the most points gets either a case of the shittiest beer I can find at Riley’s Wines of the World, a six-pack of the nicest beer I can find at Riley’s Wines of the World, or a shot of your choosing at whatever bar you find me at.  And if the one person reading this who is allergic to beer somehow wins, I’ll get you cider or wine.  You deserve it, that’s a fate worse than death. 

Good God.  I just watched the highlights from tonight’s Colts-Texans game.  J.J. Watt has a legitimate chance to be the first defensive player to win the MVP since Lawrence Taylor 30 years ago.  Tonight’s take: 7 tackles, 3 for a loss, 2 sacks, one pass knocked down and a fumble return for a touchdown.  He has three touchdowns on the season.  That’s as many as Jimmy Graham, and two more than Montee Ball.  And we’re only six games in.  Not bad for a guy who walked on at UW.  Somehow, his teammates managed to lose tonight.  I’ll always believe that if he had stayed for his senior year and played with Russell Wilson, we would have won a national championship.


I don’t care what the spread is for this game, it’s not high enough.  Hold on, let me look it up.

Seven?!?  Seven fucking points?!?  That’s it??  I’ve never bet on an NFL game before, but I think I might have to for this one.  Easy money.

DENVER by 24


I don’t care who wins the World Series, as long as it’s not the Cardinals.  Fuck you, St. Louis.  Budweiser sucks.  And even though the Brewers choked away the division lead again this year, I can sleep easy knowing the Cubs sucked immeasurably more.  Actually, I’m kinda rooting for Kansas City.  They’ve been terrible for so long, they’re creeping towards Minnesota territory.  Go Royals.



Calvin Johnson still out for the Lions?  Teddy Bridgewater back for the Vikings?  Possibility of the Pack taking over sole possession of 1st place in the NFC North?  SKOL!! GO VIKES GO!! 
Ugh.  Now I feel like I need to go take a shower. And I think it goes without saying that Detroit will find a way to lose on a last-second field goal.


Anyways, it’s now Friday afternoon and I have to go prepare for my evening routine of fighting crime and saving children from burning orphanages.  Last thoughts:

- Qdoba is superior to Chipotle.
- Just over 4,000 people have been killed by the Ebola virus in the past two years worldwide.  Malaria kills about 1,200,000 people every year.  Influenza kills somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 in the USA annually.  Chill the fuck out, everyone.  And get your flu shot.

- Chode Out.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chode Picks – Week 5

Hello world, and welcome back to the 5th week of the Nobel Prize-winning Chode Picks!  I’m sure you all missed me over the past five or six days, so I’m getting them out early this week in a doomed attempt to publish before the Packer-Viking game tomorrow night.  Actually, you know what?  I’ll just write a paragraph about the game before and another one after.  Problem solved.  Damn, that’s brilliant.  High-five myself, no friends!


At 4:00 PM central time tomorrow, I’m walking out of clinic, jumping in the car and racing up to Green Bay to watch the greatest team in the history of sports crush their inferior Minnesotan counterparts.  Just reading that sentence again makes me feel all warm and awesome inside.  Almost as much as watching Aaron Rodgers plant his foot in Chicago’s ass last Sunday afternoon.  In fact, that’s part of the reason I’m going to Lambeau tomorrow, because the only that will relieve the massive victory boner that last weekend’s game gave me is a three-hour party in Lombardi’s house.  And that’s what it’s going to be, because I’m not even remotely concerned about the possibility of defeat, especially without Adrian Peterson around to beat our linebackers with a stick.  And I promise I won’t alter this paragraph at all if we somehow shit the bed and lose. 



True story: six years ago I was offered a scholarship to play football for Northwestern.  Now, it might also be true that the scholarship was only $1,000 and I’m referring to the University of Northwestern in St. Paul (Division III) rather than the Big Ten school, but whatever.  Close enough.  Go Eagles.  Also, I’m picking against the Badgers this week (Gasp!).  Mostly because we haven’t won in Evanston for approximately two centuries, but also because I think we’ll be able to need to throw the ball in order to beat a real, live Big Ten team.  Now, I could be wrong because apparently Joel “I shampoo with angel tears” Stave has gotten over his “yips” and says he can play now.  I’ll bet he’s the kind of guy who can’t pee if somebody is watching.  Anyways, Captain Stagefright still gives us a huge upgrade over Tanner McEmesis (shout out to the nerds who got that one) and I’m fully expecting Joel to play on Saturday.  But what the hell do I know, I’m not some sophisticated, intelligent savant like Gary Andersen.  I’m the kind of man who puts vodka in chocolate milk and uses a kitchen sponge to wash myself in the shower.  Despite that, we both know what needs to be done here. UNLEASH THE BLONDE BEAST, GARY!!


So I just read on ESPN that Johnny Manziel is considering mentoring Jameis Winston in how to handle his off-the-field issues.  Wow.  That might be the worst idea I’ve heard since “Let’s just let Hitler take the Sudetenland.  I’m sure he’ll stop then.”  There’s a very short list of people who are less qualified than Turd Manziel to counsel a superstar quarterback on how to not act like a prick, and that list goes as follows; Ben Roethlisberger, Michael Vick, Thad Castle and O.J. Simpson.  That’s it. May God have mercy on whatever team takes Winston with the #1 overall pick next season.  Actually, let’s not kid ourselves.  It’s going to be the Jaguars. 
Speaking of Turd Manziel, I have to admit that I was extremely disappointed when the Vikings passed on him and took Teddy Bridgewater at the end of the 1st round last spring, for two reasons.  First of all, I actually think Bridgewater is a good player.  He’s essentially a dumber version of Russell Wilson.  So the Vikings only need to surround him with a dominant rushing attack, the best defense in the NFL and Cordarrelle Patterson and they’ll have a recipe for their 5th Super Bowl win.  Whoops, loss. I meant 5th Super Bowl loss of course.  The Packer fan in me is just used to typing the word “win” after “Super Bowl”.  My bad.  Hey, speaking of the Vikings…


LOL.  My God, that was a fun game.  Short but sweet.  It was clear from the outset that Eddie Lacy told himself “Imma kill some purple bastards tonight” and proceeded to run past, around and over the entire Minnesota defense on the way to his best game of the season.  If you go back and watch his first touchdown run, it seems like he said to the other guys in the huddle “How ‘bout I knock the left d-end on his ass first, then run around the right side and score?  Wouldn’t that be fucking hilarious?”  Yes Eddie, it was.  Keep up the great work.  Rodgers did his part too, throwing for 3 TDs and zero picks, including a beautiful 66-yard bomb to Jordy.  I have to say, I watched that play unfold right in front of my eyes, and I don’t think I can put into words how beautiful it was live.  The crowd started screaming before Aaron even let go of the ball.  And then there was Julius Peppers with his first Lambeau Leap, courtesy of Christian Plunger, who apparently has the arm strength of a fetus and the decision-making capacity of General Custer.


Bad news: we’re still a half game behind Detroit in the division.  Good news: the Lions always play down to their competition and find a way to lose games they should win.  Also, we get them at Lambeau in the last week of the season.  So I’ll go ahead and state the obvious right now: the Packers and Lions will play in week 17, tied atop the NFC North with a playoff spot on the line.  And Green Bay will it again.  This is how the world works.  But credit Detroit for playing so well through four weeks.  Hell, they might even grab the wild card spot.


Anyways, it’s Friday night and most of you are drunk so I debated waiting to post this until Saturday morning so more people would see it, but then I got all excited and finished too early.  Story of my life.  

I must have eaten Pinnochio, because this shit just got real.

- Chode Out.