WARNING: Reading the Chode Picks may result in increased intelligence, superhuman strength and agility, tiger blood, fire-breathing fists, severe intoxication, gratuitous violence, female sexual arousal, and winning. Read at your own risk.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chode Picks - Week 5

Coming to you LIVE from the (temporary) center of the Universe; Oshkosh, Wisconsin, welcome to week five of the legendary Chode Picks!!  Yes that’s right.  Shortly after med school exams finished on Wednesday this week, the Chode was kidnapped by a band of hooligans from UW-O (or as I’m calling it: Madison North) for the weekend, leaving me no choice but to write this week’s edition from the friendly confines of the Fox River Valley, otherwise known as “where college dreams go to die”.  Yes, I know it means that I’ll be missing this Saturday’s college football showdown with Illinois in Madison, but after last weekend’s debacle in Nebraska, I’m honestly not all that sad about missing it, for the following reasons:

First of all, our offensive line just put together the most pathetic five-game stretch I’ve ever seen in my 14 years of watching Badger football.  They don’t deserve the support that our raucous fan base gives them week after week, and I’ll be damned if they’re going to sucker me in for another mediocre performance on the sacred turf of Camp Randall.  And if they don’t have it figured out in two weeks for the Minnesota game, I’m going to personally hunt them all down and cock-punch them until they get the message.
Secondly, I’m fairly certain that the two remaining members of the Three Best Friends and company will be able to fry up some pretty decent Stacon in my absence.  Don’t let me down, friends.
Lastly, I’ve only been to Oshkosh twice in my college career, and I feel like it’s only fair to the second-best party school in Wisconsin to grace them with my presence at least one more time.  My fellow Badgers, you have my sincerest apologies, but I know you’ll do fine without me. 
Anyways, time for some professional football analysis.  I’m sure you all watched as the Green Bay Packers knocked off the struggling-but-dangerous Saints last Sunday, improving their win-loss ratio to 3-1*, while dropping New Orleans to a pathetic 0-4, despite the referees’ continued best efforts to dethrone the once and future champions.  Hold on a minute.  I want to savor this…


Yeah, that’s right, Minnesota.  I said it.  Your merry band of idiots may have won three games in the first month of the season, but you still know the truth.  It’s been ingrained in your puny, undersized brains.  Minnesota sports teams have followed the same pattern since our childhood: start the season strong, get your fans’ hopes up, then collapse in devastating fashion and miss the playoffs, or even better yet, make the playoffs and suffer an embarrassing defeat on the national stage (see: 1999 Vikings, or 2003 Vikings, or 2003-2004 Timberwolves, or 2005 Golden Gophers, or 2010 Vikings, or 2011-2012 Timberwolves.  I’m probably forgetting a few).  I’ve seen this movie before.  It doesn’t end well for the mud-ducks.  Enjoy your short-lived success.  In the meantime, be sure to tune in and watch the Packers beat the hell out of the Indianapolis Colts this Sunday.  Go Pack Go. 

In a completely unrelated story, the WNBA finished their first round of playoffs this week, and still, nobody gives a shit.

Also, the 2012 presidential debate is going on right now, which might just end up being the biggest waste of time for American TV viewers this year.  Personally, there are two reasons I’m not watching it.  First, my roommate challenged me to drink every time I hear the words “Obamacare” or “Bain Capital”, which would probably take me from already drunk to passed out in less than thirty minutes.  Secondly, I’m sure I’ll hear enough of the rhetoric bullshit and clichés from both parties in ads between football games from now until November, and like most of the country, I already know who I’m voting for (unless of course, one of them promises to overturn the outcome of the Packers-Seahawks travesty).  I’ll catch the replay on Saturday Night Live.  So to recap, Barack Obama is a feeble, freedom-hating socialist driving our country to the brink of bankruptcy, and Mitt Romney is an out-of-touch elitist who wants to enslave the poor.  There, everybody happy?  No?  Everyone is pissed at me now?  Alright, close enough. 

Chode’s All Stars (2-2) vs Moore is Less (1-3)

Yeah, that’s right.  After an embarrassing 0-2 start to the season, Chode’s All Stars have surged to two straight victories, marking the beginning of my first legitimate fantasy football winning streak since the 2010 season.  Don’t expect it to stop anytime soon either, since my opponent, Will Brydon has conveniently decided to start two players on bye weeks and two more who aren’t playing due to injury.  Thanks for the free win, dude.

Chode’s All Stars by 40

Mondolockdown (3-1) vs I’m a little Cuntler (1-3)

HAHA!!  Finally, a loss for Brandon after three weeks of improbable success.  I’m not going to stroke my ego by telling you that I called it a week ago, but let’s be honest: I totally did.  You can go ahead and say that I jinxed you Mondlock, but we both knew that your futility would eventually catch up with you.  Welcome to your new losing streak.

I’m a little Cuntler by 5

Stafford Infection (2-2) vs Red Hot Chodey Peppers (0-4)

Don’t worry Nate, there’s no shame in being 0-4, especially after a tough loss to the best team in the league.  Just ask the Saints.  However, falling to 0-5 would be pretty humiliating, especially since Aaron Rodgers is on your team.  He deserves better than the heap of mediocrity you’ve surrounded him with.  Also, fuck you for stealing Jackie Battle off of the waiver wire from me.  Anyways, I’m picking Eric this week in an attempt to make him feel better about the sorry state of football in his home state of Michigan.  It’s been over a full decade since the Lions won the NFC North, or the Wolverines won the Big Ten.  Hail to the victors?

Stafford Infection by 13

Team Beaupre Jared Sucks (2-2) vs Forgetting Brandon Marshall (1-3)

Teams heading in opposite directions here.  Beaupre and company dropped the first two games of the season, only to rebound and climb back into the playoff hunt in weeks 3 and 4.  Jared’s team on the other hand, looked really impressive in a week 1 victory, only to implode and lose three straight.  And if there’s anything I’ve learned from my dismal gambling track record, it’s that you keep riding a team until they make you look like a fool.

Team Beaupre Jared Sucks by eleventy billion

ABC – It’s Easy as RG3 (3-1) vs I Plaxidentally Shot Myself (3-1)

I know it’s early, but I have not picked Dave to win a game this season.  I am not going to pick Dave to win a game this season!  I will not pick Dave to win a game this year!!  I AM NOT PICKING DAVE TO WIN A SINGLE DAMN GAME THIS YEAR!!!

I Plaxidentally Shot Myself by 6.626*10^-34

Also Dan, thanks for jinxing the US in the Ryder Cup.  Much appreciated.  If there’s anything I hate more than losing to Illinois, Michigan or Minnesota, it’s losing to fucking Europe.  We’re the United States of America, that’s not supposed to happen.  And I think we invented golf.  If I’m wrong, don’t correct me.

No Names (3-1) vs I’m thinking RBs (3-1)

So.  A couple of things.  First off, it’s 9:00 PM on Sunday night and I haven’t posted the Chode Picks yet.  My apologies.  While I very much appreciate all of your concerns, I am in fact alive and well, so there’s no need to call the authorities or organize a search party.  The fact is, I started writing this week’s edition on Friday afternoon, and simply couldn’t find the time to finish it during my 48-hour drinking spree in Oshkosh.  Also, I woke up today with what just might be the worst hangover in the history of the world, and just recently regained my ability to think and type.  So to recap: this weekend thoroughly kicked my ass and I’m never drinking again.  That’s why the Chode Picks are late.  Deal with it.  What does this have to do with fantasy football?  Not a damn thing.

I’m thinking RBs by 9

Also, I don’t want to hear your stupid jokes about the Packer loss today.  Yes, I’m fully aware that Minnesota has a better record than Green Bay.  Congratulations, you now have exactly one win for every Packer Super Bowl Championship.  And I’m having difficulty hearing you because I HAVE A LOMBARDI TROPHY IN MY EAR!!

A couple more random thoughts before I wrap it up this week:

-       At 4-2, the Wisconsin football team now needs only two more victories over Purdue and Indiana to lock up a spot in the Big Ten Championship game.
-       In just over four seasons, Oregon’s Chip Kelley has amassed 40 wins to only six losses.
-       Cats are smarter than dogs, and I have a video that proves it
-       My Stacon brings all the boys to the yard, and Caitlin, it’s still better than yours
-       Seriously, what the fuck Mason Crosby!?

- Chode Out.

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